Still a little bit creeped out from this, was waiting for when a scary popup would come out.
But, even though making Madness scary is your thing, you had the heart to not screw around and make us have mini seizure's. So thanks for that.
Anyway, the animation was a bit slow here and there. I know my computer is slower then a fat chick trying to eat a carrot, but i know it was slow at certain parts. Idk, maybe to much effects?
Speaking of effects, how did you learn to tween effects like that, im a dipshit when it come's to tweening. It always come's out to bent or out os place.
Off topic for a sec, but was this going to be for halloween this year, or did you not have any time to finish?
So...pretty good at certain parts, and some parts were a bit meh. I don't know if this animation was for any joke or not, but that is for you to tell.
8/10 5/5