Well thats the end I suppose
After the years this series had lived through, It's finally over.
Well with all good things in life, they need a review.
Well straight off the bat the ever so used scene from Madness Combat 7 makes a return with the final stretch but with a bit more perspective that we could ever expect. Going back to your old ways with stairs was also thoroughly seen with the commencing of the stairway to heaven scene. Not to mention your love for elevators making a return. Although each room did have the same appeal as any other submission from before, it seemed to me that you were trying to incorporate a scene from each one of your previous submissions into this. Which I might say was a grand idea. And who will ever forget the bar'd room with the lever. Classic.
To say that every character in the main series was used can be said because it's true! Hank came back with his old self now that his scorpion stinger is gone; even though he didn't have it very long. And with the death of Deimos it seemed to me that Sanford was a bit more aggressive against the Auditor. Speaking of the Auditor my god he's gotten huge! The whole idea of him absorbing other beings in order to stay alive showed how cruel of a character he was. And even though Jebus and Tricky were both dead during all of this, they both did have an impact on the main characters. Tricky obviously had the biggest impact.
-Blood & Gore-
It was everywhere; on the walls on the characters, inflicted on the main characters, and pretty much the whole damn thing was comprised of blood and gore. The whole idea of heads being ripped off, bodies slammed into the walls, even crates smashing whole bodies into blood; I can proudly say that your love for creative gruesome deaths never left your absurd mind.
The series is over. That is all.
I wish I was around longer than the release of Madness Antipathy back in 2006 but hey, I couldn't operate a computer for some time. So heres my message to you Krinkels, whatever you do now from here on into the future, I'll still remember you as the man who filled my existence with a sense of Madness.
10/10 5/5